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Image by Samuel  Sianipar


Read TRANSIT scientific papers, publications and presentations 

TRANSIT White Paper

Lessons learnt from the TRANSIT project and way forward

Scientific papers

Burrieza, J., Jordá, R., Gregg, A., Ruiz, P., Rodríguez, R., Sala, M.J., Torres, J., García-Albertos, P., Cantú Ros, O.G., Herranz, R. (2022). A methodology for understanding passenger flows combining mobile phone records and airport surveys: Application to Madrid-Barajas Airport after the COVID-19 outbreak. Journal of Air Transport Management, Volume 100.

Scozzaro, G., Ma, J., Delahaye, D., Feron, E., & Mancel, C. (2022, June). Flight Rescheduling to Improve Passenger Journey during Airport Access Mode Disruptions. In International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT 2022).

Buire, C., Delahaye, D., Marzuoli, A., Feron, E., & Mongeau, M. (2022). Air-rail timetable synchronization for a seamless passenger journey. In International Workshop on ATM/CNS (IWAC2022).

Gregg, A., Blasco, J., Jordá, R., Martín, I., Burrieza, J., Cantú Ros, O.G. (2021). Airport accessibility surveys and mobile phone records data fusion for the analysis of air travel behaviour. 12th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods.


Scozzaro, G., Mancel, C., Delahaye, D., & Feron, E. (2022). Optimising security screening resources during airport access mode disruptions. 12th SESAR Innovation Days (SIDs 2022).


TRANSIT Poster - GO MOBILITY by MUBIL Congress 2022

TRANSIT Poster - SESAR Innovation Days 2020

Optimization of airport operations to improve passenger door to door travel - ITS 2022

Air-Rail timetable synchronization for a seamless passenger journey - ITS 2022

TRANSIT model data

TRANSIT long-distance multimodal trips model results - A Spanish case study


This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 893209. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the SESAR JU members other than the Union. © 2020 TRANSIT Consortium. All rights reserved

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